We all have values in our lives. Things that are important to us. And our sole aim in life is to fulfil these values. When you are fulfilling your values, you feel good, things seem to be going the right way for you. You feel like you are on a roll. You are getting what’s important to you, and you like it. It’s good to get what you want. It makes you feel happy.
But what happens when your values are not being met? You don’t feel good, nothing seems to be going your way, you just can’t catch a break. You feel frustrated, angry and tense. When you break it down, basically you are not getting what you want.
To explain this concept a little clearer, let me put it another way. Think of that little child we have all seen at the shops. You know, the one that wants a toy or a lolly. That toy or lolly is really, really important to that child. It is something that they really want.
Now if their parent buys them that toy or lolly, the child is happy, content. They enjoyed getting what they wanted. Their whole day has been made. But if the parent refuses them and doesn’t buy them the toy or lolly, what happens? They become upset, angry, frustrated, tense, and more likely than not they throw a tantrum. All because they didn’t get what they wanted.
The fulfilment of our values is exactly the same as getting that toy or lolly. Just as that child wanted that toy or lolly, we want to fulfil our values. The only difference is we are in control and we can take action to fulfil our values and therefore be happy in life.
So what are your values? What is important to you in your life? Maybe freedom, or love, or acknowledgement is important to you, or maybe you have more tangible values like family, friends or money. We have many values in our lives and it’s our desire to fulfil these values that drives us through life, that inspires us to do the things we do.
Once you are aware of your values, you can prioritise and align them, and then start to consciously fulfil them. That’s when your life will feel like it has a purpose and that’s when you will feel good, satisfied and only then will you begin to love your life.
If you would like to know more about identifying your values and how to fulfil them, contact us here.
If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE, to schedule a conversation with Craig.