


When we go to a cinema and watch a movie, we get to experience (in some way) what we are watching. Our lives are exactly the same. We all have a movie screen in front of us, throughout our lives. What we project up on to that screen is what we get to go through, what we experience.


I remember an interview I had quite a few years ago. There were ten people going for two positions and we were all in the waiting room together. I began talking to the other applicants while we were waiting and it became very clear, very quickly that most people were extremely nervous. 

From talking to them, I began to realise that most of them had a lot more experience than I did, but even so, they were worried about not getting the job. As the interviews started, people were invited into the interview room, and then after about twenty to thirty minutes, they would return and sit down again. I was the second last person to be interviewed.


As I was called in, I decided that even though I didn’t have as much experience as a lot of the other applicants, I was confident that I was going to get this job. I walked in there as if I had already been told that the job was mine.


They asked me a couple of questions and then after about ten minutes they thanked me and asked me to wait outside with the others. I was in there for only half the time the others were. I wasn’t sure what this meant but I knew I had done what I needed to do.


The panel came out after the last interview and announced the names of the two successful applicants. I was one of them. The others left and we were given our induction. During the induction one of the panel pulled me aside and told me she had never interviewed such a confident person. That’s why I wasn’t in there for so long and why I got the job. What I projected up on my screen is what I got to experience.


So what are you projecting up on your screen? Are you experiencing everything you want to experience in your life? If not then maybe it’s time to change the movie. Start projecting the movie you want to experience. You wouldn’t choose to go and watch a horror movie if you wanted to have a laugh and feel relaxed. So why would you choose to project a movie up on the screen of your life that you really don’t want to experience?


Change your thoughts and feelings, which will change your focus. You can’t project something unless you are thinking about it and really feel it. This communication within your mind, will control your inner projector.

If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE, to schedule a conversation with Craig.


What's important to you?

We all have values in our lives. Things that are important to us. And our sole aim in life is to fulfil these values. When you are fulfilling your values, you feel good, things seem to be going the right way for you. You feel like you are on a roll. You are getting what’s important to you, and you like it. It’s good to get what you want. It makes you feel happy.

But what happens when your values are not being met? You don’t feel good, nothing seems to be going your way, you just can’t catch a break. You feel frustrated, angry and tense. When you break it down, basically you are not getting what you want.

To explain this concept a little clearer, let me put it another way. Think of that little child we have all seen at the shops. You know, the one that wants a toy or a lolly. That toy or lolly is really, really important to that child. It is something that they really want.

Now if their parent buys them that toy or lolly, the child is happy, content. They enjoyed getting what they wanted. Their whole day has been made. But if the parent refuses them and doesn’t buy them the toy or lolly, what happens? They become upset, angry, frustrated, tense, and more likely than not they throw a tantrum. All because they didn’t get what they wanted.

The fulfilment of our values is exactly the same as getting that toy or lolly. Just as that child wanted that toy or lolly, we want to fulfil our values. The only difference is we are in control and we can take action to fulfil our values and therefore be happy in life.

So what are your values? What is important to you in your life? Maybe freedom, or love, or acknowledgement is important to you, or maybe you have more tangible values like family, friends or money. We have many values in our lives and it’s our desire to fulfil these values that drives us through life, that inspires us to do the things we do.

Once you are aware of your values, you can prioritise and align them, and then start to consciously fulfil them. That’s when your life will feel like it has a purpose and that’s when you will feel good, satisfied and only then will you begin to love your life.

If you would like to know more about identifying your values and how to fulfil them, contact us here.

If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE, to schedule a conversation with Craig.


Unachievable Goals - No such thing

How many times in your life have you had a goal or dream that you have wanted, but because it seemed so far away, so hard to get to, you just gave up on it and didn’t pursue it? Sometimes what we really want seems to be too big, like it is out of our reach, so we never even try to get it.


Recently, I drove from the Gold Coast down to Sydney. To avoid traffic and because it was quite warm, I decided to travel at night. Now Sydney is about 1,000kms from the Gold Coast. When I set out on my trip, my goal was to get to Sydney.


I couldn’t see Sydney when I started my trip. In fact, I could only see about 200m in front of me, as far as my headlights would shine. But I had faith. I knew that when I had travelled 200m, the next 200m would be lit up and I would be able to see where I had to go next. And when I had travelled that 200m, I would see the next part of my journey. Guess what? I made it to Sydney and I saw where I was going the whole way. Each part of my trip was lit up when I had completed the previous part.


This faith, this belief will allow you to achieve any goal you desire, no matter how big it is or how far away it seems. All you have to do is start the journey, complete the section you can see by setting small, achievable goals that will get you to the next section. Once you complete that small goal, the next step will become clear to you. Then take the next step until finally all the little steps, all the small, achievable goals will come together and you will arrive at the destination you set out for, your desired dream or goal.


Remember, every journey starts with just one step. So think of a goal you have, a really big one, one that you might think is out of your grasp. Now break it down. What is the first step you need to do that will start you off in achieving your dream? Make that first step achievable, realistic, so easy that there is no way you can fail it. Because success breeds success. If you succeed in finishing this task, in successfully completing this small goal, then it will be easier to achieve the next small goal.


And as you succeed along the way, take time to celebrate these achievements. It doesn’t have to be something big, just make it something. If you celebrate something, you get a feeling of accomplishment, and this makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you will be more motivated to take the next step, and more likely to succeed.


So now you know that no goal is too big to achieve, no dream is out of your reach. If you break it down into small goals, and have faith that each step will be presented to you along the way, then you can achieve anything.

If you would like to know more about achieving goals in your life, CLICK HERE to schedule a conversation with Craig.


Is your inner battery fully charged?

Too many people in the world today, give so much of themselves to others, that they have nothing left for themselves. When your energy, attention, time and effort levels are depleted and

Internal Battery


emotionally you are drained, how can you help other people?

I used to believe that I had to give as much as I could, otherwise I was being selfish. I thought people wouldn’t like me if I didn’t put them before my own needs. The problem was, as I gave more and more, what I had to offer was getting less and less. It was getting to the point that I wasn’t going to have any more to give.

That’s when a friend taught me about my inner battery. As my charge slowly dropped, so did my ability to help others. He taught me the importance of recharging my battery, keeping it full, so I would have the energy, attention, time and effort to help others, the way I wanted to.

And the only way to keep your inner battery fully charged is to put yourself first. Put all your energy, attention, time and effort into you, into helping yourself. By doing this, you will have a surplus and that’s when you can help others.

So here is how you can keep your inner battery at full charge (and more).

Step 1 – You need to write down some things that you can do for yourself that you will get enjoyment from. These things have to be for you, not for anyone else. List 3 things that you can do every day (eg walk your dog, meditate), then list 3 things that you can do once a week (eg catch up with a friend for coffee, go for a walk on the beach), and finally list 3 things that you can do once a month (eg go to the movies, get a massage).

Step 2 – Start doing these things. The way to implement this system is as follows:

WEEK 1 – Start doing 1 of your daily activities

WEEK 2 – Do 2 daily activities and 1 weekly activity

WEEK 3 – Do 3 daily activities and 2 weekly activities

WEEK 4 – Keep doing your 3 daily activities and do 3 weekly activities

MONTH 1 – As above

MONTH 2 – Continue doing 3 daily activities, 3 weekly activities and do 1 monthly activity

MONTH 3 – Continue doing 3 daily activities, 3 weekly activities and do 2 monthly activities

MONTH 4 – Continue doing 3 daily activities, 3 weekly activities and do 3 monthly activities

It’s that easy. By the 4th month you will be doing 3 things a day that are just for you, you will be doing 3 things a week that are just for you and you will be doing 3 things a month that are just for you. And you will be surprised at how much you are enjoying your life.

And with your inner battery fully charged and overflowing, now is the time you can help others.

If you would like to know more about recharging your inner battery, CLICK HERE, to schedule a conversation with Craig.


The importance of feeling important

Every single person in this world, whether they want to admit it or not, wants to feel important. If you can make someone feel important, they will instantly like you. And the easiest way to make a person feel important is to show a genuine interest in them.

Even though I have done many courses and read many books on this topic, and this means no disrespect to the presenters and authors, my best teacher has been my pet dog, Bear. The genuine interest he shows in me every time I see him, and if you have a dog you would have to agree, makes me feel great.

It doesn’t matter if I have been away for an hour, a day, a week, or even longer, he is still just as excited to see me, and when I am playing with him, nothing else matters to him. He gives me his undivided attention, and it is genuine. This makes me feel acknowledged and this is important to me. And of course, I love him for this.

When you show a real or genuine interest in the person you are talking to, it shows them that you feel what they are saying is interesting. This satisfies their need to feel important because they are telling you something you want to know. Even if what they are telling you isn’t that important to you, it is to them. By putting your focus on them makes them feel good. And they know that you are the one that is making them feel good, so of course they will like you. Now when someone likes you, it’s impossible not to go into rapport with them.

So why is all this important? If you are in rapport with someone, if they like you and you make them feel important then they are more likely to buy into whatever you are selling them. Maybe you are selling them a product, or a service, or you may even be selling them yourself.

Picture this. You are at a party and you spot someone that you would like to get to know better. You go over and start a conversation with them. You give them your undivided attention, you show a genuine interest in them and what they are saying. You make them feel as if they are the most important person in the room.

You have now satisfied a major need that they have and so they feel good, really good. And they know that it was you that made them feel this way. Rapport has been created between you. As long as you keep making them feel good, they will be interested in you. And there is the start of what could be something special.

So go out and practice this skill. With every conversation you have, show a genuine interest in the other person and what they are saying to you. Make them feel important. They will feel good, they will know that you made them feel good, and you will create instant likeability.

If you would like to know more about making people feel important and building rapport, CLICK HERE to schedule a conversation with Craig.


The importance of asking

To achieve success in your life, it is important to get clear in your head where you want to go and what steps you need to take to get there. We have all been told this many times in many different ways, but there is one piece of information that nobody seems to explain.

I was at a coffee shop with some friends of mine the other day, just enjoying their company and catching up. The coffee shop was pretty busy, and I was looking around, watching others that were there. There was this one couple on the table next to us that had just arrived. They started discussing what they wanted to have. The guy decided pretty quick that he was going to have a latte but the young girl wasn’t sure what she wanted. Finally she got it clear in her head that she was going to have a skinny cappuccino.

Now they sat there talking for a while and looking around. Food and drinks were coming out to different tables, but the young couple were still sitting at their table waiting to get what they wanted. Eventually, after about 20 minutes, the guy went up to the counter and placed his order. Within minutes their drinks arrived.

They had decided what they wanted to get, they had it clear in their heads what it was they wanted, but until they asked for it there was no way they were going to receive what they desired.

This is how life is. Quite often we get it clear in our heads what it is we want in life, what we want to achieve, we set goals, we clear emotional blockages, we write out action plans, but we never communicate to the people that can help us, what we actually want.

It is very important that we have clear inner communication when we want to succeed at something, but it is just as important that we have clear outer communication as well. If we can’t enlist the help of people that can assist us in achieving our goals, then how do we expect to be successful?

That young couple could have sat at the table all day, having it clear in their heads what they wanted, but until they actually communicated their desired outcome to someone that could help them, the barista, they were never going to have success in getting their coffees.

If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE, to schedule a conversation with Craig.